What Is a Licence in Land Law

So if there is no written agreement, you may be dealing with a rental agreement. However, just because a contract contains the details listed above doesn`t mean it`s a default lease agreement. To do this, the main control of what is done on the property must be in the hands of the tenant, not the owner. It should also be noted that a rental agreement cannot be revoked by the owner before the end of the term as long as no other contractual conditions have been violated. Licenses, on the other hand, can be revoked at any time. “A real estate licence is the power to take a land action that would otherwise constitute an intrusion. A license does not transfer an interest in the property. Rather, it is a personal privilege in relation to the country. When deciding whether a licence has been created, the decisive factor is the intention of the parties. Whether the parties wanted to create a licence is a question of fact. In the absence of a formal document proving this intention, the exact circumstances and conduct of the parties must be examined in order to decide whether a licence was intended. As a general rule, a license allows the licensee to use the licensor`s country for specific purposes, but only confers a personal privilege that cannot be granted and can be terminated at will. A license does not create an interest in the land and cannot be transferred to heirs or other third parties.

Licenses are usually revocable or for a certain period of time. For example, when the US Open golf tournament was played at Baltusrol Golf Club a few years ago, some owners near the course allowed participants to park on their property, giving them faster access to the course. Thus, a license is simply a permission or privilege to do what would otherwise be considered an illegal intrusion. ⇒ license coupled with a grant, so you can have a license associated with an interest in the country. For example, a permit to go to someone`s land to collect wood. However, it is misleading to speak of licenses in this sense, because the right to go to the land in this way is really known as “profit”. Importantly, a license does not grant the licensee exclusive use of the property. Licensor also has the right to use the property at the same time as Licensee. Because these concepts are closely related, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between them. In addition, if the characteristics of a particular permit change, it could be converted into another of these vehicles, which would significantly change the legal relationship between the parties.

If you are a licensor or licensee in the country and you are facing a legal issue regarding the status of the license, a competent real estate attorney can help you clarify your rights, interests, and responsibilities. ⇒ Under the common law, contractual licenses and simple licenses can be revoked at any time, although reasonable remedies may be used to contain a violation. There are a number of important ways in which leases differ from licenses, but the most important is the issue of control. Leases, as agreements, are contracts that exert much less control than licenses over the party making the payments. If you`re entering into a contract where you essentially have the freedom to do what you want on a property, then you`re probably entering into a lease. “A license is simply an authority or authorization to do something that is otherwise illegal or illegal, and in normal use, it extends to the document that certifies or records that the appropriate authorization has been granted by the competent authority.” ⇒ To avoid intrusion (or harassment) measures, you need a license. For example, you need a license to see a movie in the cinema (Hurst v Picture Theatre [1915]). INSIDER TIPS AND TRICKS TO HELP YOU SPEND LESS TIME STUDYING AND GETTING THE PERFECT JOB ⇒ There is NO right for you to end up in someone else`s possession without their permission. ⇒ Naked License: This is a license granted by the Licensee without consideration (e.B.

money). For example, if you are invited to a party in someone`s house, you get a simple license. These licenses may be revoked by the licensor at any time (Robson v Hallet (1967)). ⇒ A licence is NOT personally the owner, i.e. it is a right to land and NOT a land interest. In other words, it is only enforceable in person between you and the person with whom you have agreed on the license. See the thematic notes on personal and property rights here. Licenses are revocable at will (unless otherwise specified in a contract) and are as such distinct from an easement (the latter confers a legal interest in the land) or a lease (involving exclusive ownership). Here are some typical examples of permits granted through licenses in the country: In Edwards v. O`Connor in 1991, the New Zealand court wrote: ⇒ Contractual License: This is a license issued for valuable consideration. For example, a movie ticket is a temporary license to use land to watch a movie. ⇒ It`s not a problem to revoke a simple license (since no one paid money to get the license), but it seems unfair to be able to revoke a license that someone paid for (for example.

B a contractual licence). See, for example, Winter Garden Theatre v Millennium Productions [1948]. ⇒ The licensee has equivalent remedies to prevent revocation. For example, if the licensor revokes the licence it granted to the licensee in breach of contract, it may be retained by an information session, by .B. as happened in Verrall v. Great Yarmouth BC (1980). An owner creates a license on their land by giving another permission to perform a specific activity on the property. A license does not grant the licensee any ownership of the property, and the licensee may not transfer or develop the license to third parties. Campaign licenses can be created informally, even verbally, and usually do not require written agreement, although the use of a font is optional. An easement, on the other hand, is an untitled interest in someone else`s land. This is an important difference, as an easement is a “land interest”, not just a contract law. Easement rights, unlike licenses, travel with the land and are binding on subsequent landowners.

Easements are also potentially irrevocable. Given the importance that an easement may have for the rights of the landowner, explicit easements must be made in writing. Licenses, on the other hand, can and often are written. Easement holders are also protected from interference by third parties, while licensees are generally not. Since the interest of the holder of the easement is “without ownership”, the holder can only use the land encumbered by the easement. For example, an easement to access someone else`s land would give the right to use only the access area of the encumbered property, not the entire property. Importantly, unlike a licensee, an easement holder would be entitled to compensation for the conviction. Thus, if a government entity condemns land on which a licensee has a licence, the licensee would not be entitled to compensation for the destruction of its licence. A holder of an easement, on the other hand, would be entitled to compensation for the destruction of his servitude. The Licensee is free to take full advantage of the actions granted by the License Terms, but he must be careful to remain in the authorized activity.

The authorization granted by a license can be modified or revoked by the landowner at any time and at will – no notice is required. A land sale also terminates the associated licenses. Once a license is revoked or revoked, the licensee must cease the licensed activity and leave the property so as not to become an intruder. “A licence, even if it is exclusive, does not confer on the licensee all the rights of the patent owner. A license does not create any rights between the licensee and the public, but only allows him to perform actions that would otherwise be prohibited. It simply acquires a right of use. However, a licence is the granting of a right and does not simply give the licensee a mere interest in justice. A licence is the transfer of an economic interest to a limited extent, whereby the purchaser acquires a right to participate in the patent. A license prevents it from being illegal, which would be illegal without the license; It is a consent of a right holder for another person to commit an act that, without that licence, would constitute a violation of the right of the person granting the licence. A license gives nothing more than the right to do what is actually allowed to be done. “A permit in the country is not the only vehicle that allows another person to legally carry out activities on your property. Similar concepts include: The difference between lease and license is the difference between two different legal concepts that relate to a person`s obligations and rights in a contract.
